

“Gondola” is the big winner of the ‘28th International Film, Television, Video and Multimedia Encounters - AVANCA 2024’, bringing to a close the 10 days of a film festival whose motto was FREEDOM, FREEDOM.
Directed in Georgia by German filmmaker Veit Helmer, this film won the Cinema Award for Best Feature Film, the Award for Best Screenplay and an Honorable Mention for the music by Malcolm Arison and Sóley Stefánsdóttir. A film without words by a filmmaker with a unique journey between European and Asian cinema, avant-garde with a certain “magical realism”.

The feature film “BAUK – The Erl-King” by Goran Radovanovic (Serbia) and “Demain, si tout va bien” by Ivan Goldschmidt (Belgium) were awarded Special Mentions.
The Belgian film also won the Best Actress Award (Bérangère McNeese) and the Serbian film Best Actor (Jaksa Prpic), Best Cinematography (Vladislav Opelyants) and Special Mention for Sound Direction (Milos Drndarevic).
The Jury also awarded Honorable Mentions to actress Nell Marie Haack for the German film “Porzellan” by Annika Birgel and to the Artistic Concept for “Nature Attack” by French director Erik Semashkin.
The Short Film Award went to the Portuguese film “O Afinador de Silêncios” by Mário Patrocínio and the Best Animation Award went to “Antipolis” by Gaspar Jancis (Estonia).
The film jury was made up of researcher Anabela Oliveira, filmmakers Manuel de Coco (Greece), Maurice Huvelin (France), actor Max Pemberton (United Kingdom) and producer Silvia Panaková (Slovakia).

The D. Quixote Prize of the FICC - International Federation of Film Societies, awarded Ivan Goldschmidt's “Demain, si tout va bien” the prizes for best film, screenplay and director.
The young actors Jaksa Prpic and Andjelija Filipovic from “BAUK – The Erl-King”, by Goran Radovanovic, were distinguished as best actor and actress by the jury made up of filmmakers Abinash Shankar Muthyala (India), Víctor Feliu (Spain) and Bruno Teixeira.

Sérgio Godinho and Tiago Pimentel's “Era uma vez no Apocalipse” received the Best Actor Award and the Avanca Competition Award, while Tiago Roma Almeida's “Gatos com oito vidas” and Luís Diogo's “Noites de Cinema” received a Special Mention.
Susie Filipe won the Best Actress Award and Ivo Prata and Anabela Oliveira Special Mentions for their roles in “Noites de Cinema”.
The best animated film in the Avanca Competition went to “Talaias” by Maria Raquel Atalaia.
The jury was made up of programmer and researcher Ana Maria Pires and film critics Germano Campos and Paulo Portugal.

The VR (Virtual Reality) Award went to the 360º animation film “ALUADO” by Cláudio Jordão. In this category, the jury, made up of filmmaker Bernardo Cabral and cultural programmer Francisco Ávila, also awarded a Special Mention to “Invisible” by Michel Lemieux (Canada).

The video prize was awarded to “Ensayo para la memoria”, by Denise Chirich (Argentina), by film critic Nuno Reis and researcher Daniel Oliveira.
Together with director Rui Torres, the jury awarded the Television Series Prize to the German program “Castro Gods” by Philipp Straetker.
The documentary “Luta da Erva” by Marcia Paraiso (Brazil) won the Television Award and “Elusive Mist” by Milana Majar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) won the World Premiere Award.
“La Ciudad Se Mueve” by Alfonso Palazón (Spain) was awarded a Special Mention.
The jury was made up of photographer Mike Haydon (UK), poet António Souto, journalists Fernando Pinho, Manuel Freire, filmmaker Acácio Carreira, actor Carlos Rico, painter Henrique Vaz Duarte and teacher Fátima Cabral.

O filme “Era uma vez no Apocalipse” de Tiago Pimentel foi distinguido com o Prémio Cineastas com menos de 30 anos. Nesta categoria foram ainda atribuídas Menções Honrosas a “Limbo” de Patrícia Fonseca e “As sete vidas da argila” de João Garcia Neto.

O Prémio Sénior foi atribuído a “A Janela de Pedra” de Carlos Silveira.
O júri destes prémios foi constituído pela investigadora Cláudia Martins e pelo cineclubista Pedro Medeiros.

A competição “Trailer in Motion” distinguiu o videoclipe “À parte da Vida” de Carlos Silva, Helena Caspurro e Pedro C. de Almeida. Recebeu Menção Especial “Jamuary” de Joaquim Pavão.
O júri foi constituído pelo músico Sérgio Ferreira e pelo programador Tin Krznar (Croácia).

Meanwhile, at the "AVANCA|CINEMA, International Conference Cinema - Art, Technology, Communication", the Eng. Fernando Gonçalves Lavrador Award, in posthumous tribute to one of the most relevant Portuguese researchers in the field of semiotics, aesthetics and film theory, distinguished the researcher Carla Ribeiro from the ESE of the Polytechnic of Porto and CITCEM, with a paper on António Lopes Ribeiro and António Ferro.
The jury for this award was composed of academics José Ribeiro (ID+), Glória Moreno (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain), Rosemary Mountain (Concordia University, Canada), Petra Dominkava (FAMU, Czechia) and Liliana Rosa (Instituto Politécnico de Tomar).

In total, 9 juries made up of 32 individuals from 10 countries awarded 25 prizes and 15 special mentions.

AVANCA takes place every year in Avanca and is organized by the Cine-Clube de Avanca and the Municipality of Estarreja with the support of ICA/Ministry of Culture, Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth, Turismo Centro, Parish Council and Parish of Avanca, Estarreja School Group, in addition to several international organizations and local entities.
