The AvancaPitchSessions ended and the international jury distinguished ‚ “Cimento e Betão” by @Vera Casaca from Portugal, with the Feature Film Award and‚ “Corolario” by the Cuban director @Yasser Socarrás with the Short Film Award.
The honorable mentions were attributed to the feature films ‚ “Terra Vil” by Luis Campos (Portugal) and “Come Petito, Come Molière!” by Giuseppe Iacono (Italy) and to the short films “Pelo na Venta” by Margarida Madeira (Portugal) and “Kamikaze” by Rodrigo Tavares (Brazil).
We thank the jury, the panel of experts and all the participants who sent us proposals of such great diversity, creativity and narrative quality, from 12 countries and 4 continents.
The prizes are awarded by the Avanca Film Fund, a fund to support film production that results from a partnership between the Municipality of Estarreja, Cine-Clube de Avanca and Filmógrafo.