FILM "King of Belgians" is the winner of the "22nd International Film, Television, Video and Multimedia Meeting - AVANCA 2018", closing 10 days of festival and 5 days of international competitions, conferences, workshops and exhibitions, this festival awarded prizes to films and authors from 11 countries.
"King of Belgians", a film by the directors Peter Brosens and Jessica Woodworth, won the Award for Best Feature Film and the D. Quixote Award from FICC - International Federation of Film Societies.
In total, nine jury panels constituted by 37 individuals from 11 countries have attributed 17 awards and 8 honorable mentions.
AVANCA happens every year in Avanca and is an organization of the Cine-Clube de Avanca and the Município de Estarreja with the support of ICA / Ministério da Cultura, Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude, Junta de Freguesia and Paróquia de Avanca, Agrupamento de Escolas de Estarreja, in addition to several international organizations and local entities.